
Building on a recent study by Schultheiss, Liening, and Schad (2008), we examined the internal consistency, retest reliability, sample-level profile stability, and ipsative stability of a Picture Story Exercise (PSE) measure for implicit achievement, affiliation, and power motive. While Schultheiss et al. (2008) examined these indices by administering eight picture cues to students with 2 weeks between assessment occasions, in the present study adult samples from Germany (n = 129) and Cameroon (n = 122) provided data on five picture cues at two assessment times 18 months apart. Despite these differences, reliability indices are comparable to those presented by Schultheiss and colleagues: Internal consistency is low, but retest reliability and ipsative stability are in the expected range. The reliability of the PSE is also discussed and compared to the reliability of self-report and other non-self-report measures.

  • 出版日期2012