
In this paper, a numerical analysis of the time history of speckle pattern (THSP) has been carried out by means of a co-occurrence matrix (COM) that assembles the intensity distributions of speckle pattern of the specimen with regard to time. Experiments have been performed to implement inertia moment (IM) and absolute value of the differences (AVD) methods on the biospeckle COMs. In the present work, we have used three different Indian fruits namely pear, apple and tomato for the study of bio-activities using above methods for the first time. The variation of IM and AVD with frequency is found to increase for all the fruits but apple has relatively higher rate of increase of IM and AVDs in comparison to pear and tomato. In addition, the value IM for the fruits is found to decrease with the aging of the sample but apple has relatively lower rate of decrease of IM in comparison to pear and tomato.

  • 出版日期2013