
The Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) that can collect measured vital signs through sensors enables continuous monitoring of the elder and of chronic diseases. As smart devices become popular, development of the WBAN becomes easier. Our research implemented an integration platform that consists of WBAN and cloud computing based on the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). We optimized the WBAN and the TCP as a sampling rate control. A sampling rate is the number of transfer data per second. The sampling rate is an important factor in the resolution of waveforms, though high sampling rates can cause a decline in network performance. A smart device performs three threads, such as Bluetooth, main, and TCP. The Bluetooth thread was implemented to collect vital signs from sensing nodes. The main thread performs computations for drawing waveforms and transmits data to the TCP thread. The TCP thread transmits vital signs to a server. We verified our proposed integration platform with formal verification and simulation. We expect to contribute to the platform development of WBAN and to cloud computing.

  • 出版日期2015-8