
The hexaruthenium cluster complexes [Ru-6(mu(3)-H)(mu(5)-kappa(2)-L)(mu- CO)(CO)(15)], HL = 2-mercaptopyridine (1) and 2-mercapto-6-methylpyridine (2), have been prepared by heating [Ru-3(CO)(12)] with 0.5 equiv. of HL in THF at reflux temperature. An X-ray diffraction study on a crystal of complex 2 has determined that its metallic skeleton, a basal-edge-bridged square pyramid, is hold up by a (6-methylpyrid-2-yl)thiolate ligand. This ligand is attached to the four basal ruthenium atoms of the pyramid through the sulfur atom and to the edge-bridging ruthenium atom through the nitrogen atom. Such a coordination mode is unprecedented for (pyrid-2-yl)thiolate ligands.

  • 出版日期2007-7-15