
Cell signal-regulated alternative splicing occurs for many genes but the evolutionary origin of the regulatory components and their relationship remain unclear. This review focuses on the alternative splicing components of several systems based on the available bioinformatics data. Eight mammalian RNA elements for signal-regulated splicing were aligned among corresponding sequences from dozens of representative vertebrate species to allow for assessment of the trends in evolutionary changes. Four distinct trends were observed. Four of the elements are highly conserved in bird, reptile and fish species examined (i); two elements can be found in fish but the sequences have been changing till in marsupials or higher mammals (ii); one element is almost exclusively found in mammals with mostly the same sequence (iii); and one element can be found in birds or lower vertebrates but expanded abruptly to have variable numbers of copies in mammals (iv). All examined prototype trans-acting factors and protein kinases emerged earlier than the RNA elements but additional (paralog) factors emerged in the same or later species. Thus, after their emergence mainly in fish or mammals with pre-existing prototype trans-acting factors/kinases, half of the elements have been highly conserved from fish to humans but the other half have evolved differentially with additional trans-acting factors. Their differential evolution likely contributes to the exon- and species/class-specific control of alternative splicing and its regulation by cell signals. The evolvement of a group of mammal-specific components would help relay signals from extracellular stimuli to the splicing machinery and thus contribute to higher proteomic diversity.

  • 出版日期2014-11