
To investigate the effect of acceleration rates on the constant acceleration test speed (U-cat) and to compare U-cat with the critical swimming speed (U-crit) in Chinese bream (Parabramis pekinensis), the U-cat test at acceleration rates of 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4 and 0.8 cm s(-2) and the U-crit test in juvenile fish at 20 degrees C in either normoxia ([90 % saturation oxygen tension) or hypoxia (30 % saturation) were compared. The lactate concentration ([lactate]) of white muscle, liver and plasma and the glycogen concentration ([glycogen]) of white muscle and liver were also measured to identify whether tissue substrate depletion or tissue lactate accumulation correlated with exhaustion. The U-cat decreased with the acceleration rate, and there was no significant difference between U-crit and U-cat at lower acceleration rates. Hypoxia resulted in lower U-cat and U-crit, and the difference increased with decreased acceleration rates of the U-cat test, possibly due to the increased contribution of aerobic components in U-crit or U-cat at low acceleration rates. Hypoxia elicited a significant decrease in muscle [glycogen] and an increase in muscle and liver [lactate] in resting fish. All post-exercise fish had similar muscle [lactate], suggesting that tissue lactate accumulation may correlate with exercise exhaustion. Unlike hypoxia, exercise induced an increase in muscle [lactate] and a significant increase in plasma [lactate], which were worthy of further investigation. The similar swimming speed and biochemical indicators after exercise in the U-crit and U-cat groups at low acceleration rates suggested that U-cat can be an alternative for the more frequently adopted protocols in U-crit in Chinese bream and possibly in other cyprinid fish species.