
Microbial ecological information on the nitrogen removal processes in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) has been of considerable importance as a means for diagnosing the poor performance of nitrogen removal. In this study, the altitude-scale variations in the quantitative relationships and community structures of betaproteobacteria ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (beta AOB) and nitrite-reducing bacteria containing the copper-containing nitrite reductase gene (nirK-NRB) and the cytochrome cd(1)-containing nitrite reductase gene (nirS-NRB) were investigated in 18 municipal WWTPs distributed along a 3660-masl altitude gradient in China. An altitude threshold associated with the proportions of NRB to total bacteria, NRB to beta AOB and nirKNRB to nirS-NRB was detected at approximately 1500 m above sea level (masl). Compared with the stable proportions below 1500 masl, the proportions exhibited a pronounced decreasing trend with increased altitude above 1500 masl. Spearman correlation analysis indicated that the trend was significantly driven by altitude as well as multiple wastewater and operational variables. The community structure dissimilarity of beta AOB, nirKNRB and nirS-NRB showed significant and positive correlations with altitudinal distance between WWTPs. Redundancy analyses indicated that the variation in community structures above 1500masl were predominantly associated with wastewater, followed by operation and altitude. In summary, although the variations of nitrogen-removal bacterial community in WWTPs were driven dominantly by wastewater and operational variables, altitude was also an important variable influencing the quantitative relationships and community structures of nitrogen-removal bacteria in WWTPs particularly above 1500 masl.