
Caving of mine roofs from water inrush due to anomalous pressure is one of the major disasters and accidents that can occur in mines during production. Roof water inrush can trigger a wide range of roof collapse, causing major accidents from breaking roof supports while caving. These failures flood wells and do a great deal of damage to mines and endanger mine safety. Our objective is to analyze the anomalies of water inrush crushing the support at the #6301 working face in the Jisan Coal Mine of the Yanzhou Mining Group. Through information of water inrush to the roof, damage caused by tectonic movements, information on the damage caused by roof collapse and the theory about the distribution of pressure in mine abutments, we advice adjusting the length of the working face and the position of open-off cut relatively to the rich water area. In the case of anomalous roof pressure we should develop a state equation to estimate preventive measures with "transferring rock beam" theory. Simultaneously, we improve the capacity of drainage equipment and ensured adequate water retention at the storehouse. These are all major technologies to ensure the control and prevention against accidents caused by anomalous water inrush in roofs, thus ensuring safety in the production process of a coal mine.
