
A numerical study of the crushing of thin-walled circular aluminum tubes has been carried out to investigate their behaviors under axial impact loading. These kinds of tubes are usually used in automobile and train structures to absorb the impact energy. A Multi-Objective Optimization of circular aluminum tubes undergoing axial compressive loading for vehicle crash energy absorption is performed for five crushing parameters using the weighted summation method. To improve the accuracy of the optimization process, artificial neural networks are used to reproduce the behavior of the crushing parameters in crush dynamics conditions. An explicit finite element method (FEM) is used to model and analyzed the behavior. A series of aluminum cylindrical tubes are simulated under axial impact condition for the experimental validation of the numerical solutions. A finite element code, capable of evaluating parameters crush, is prepared of which the outputs are used for training and testing the developed neural networks. In order to find the optimal solution, a genetic algorithm is implemented. With the purpose of illustrating optimum dimensional ratios, numerical results are presented for thin-walled circular aluminum AA6060-T5 and AA6060-T4 tubes. Multi-Objective Optimization of circular aluminum tubes has been performed in the basis of different priorities to create the ability for designer to select the optimum dimension ratio. Also, crush parameters of two aluminum alloys has been compared.

  • 出版日期2011-12