
Carbon tanotabe field- effecttransistor is-emerging-as newipromising,device for futp.re nanotechnology solutions, Ittitilizes semiconducting I, carbon nanottibe as its channel whose quasi 1-D structure provides high mobility for near ballistic transport and better electrostatic control. In thisTaper we have designed:a basic inverter circtit -Using carbon.natiOtubefield effect transistor. The key perforthances of I inverter such as noise margin, average power and delay time are analyzed and compared with CMOS inverter. Both the inverters am %26apos; Siintilated indISPICE platforni. The sitnidated restilts of carbbn natiotube Belci effect transistor iriVetter shoWs improved performance in terms of noise,margin, power and delay time than CMOS inverter.

  • 出版日期2013