
Multiple pole solutions consist of groups of weakly bound solitons. For the (focusing) nonlinear Schrodinger equation the double pole solution was constructed by Zakharov and Shabat. In the sequel particular cases have been discussed in the literature, but it has remained an open problem to understand multiple pole solutions in their full complexity. In the present work this problem is solved, in the sense that a rigorous and complete asymptotic description of the multiple pole solutions is given. More precisely, the asymptotic paths of the solitons are determined and their position-and phase-shifts are computed explicitly. As a corollary we generalize the conservation law known for the N-solitons. In the special case of one wave packet, our result confirms a conjecture of Olmedilla. Our method stems from an operator theoretic approach to integrable systems. To facilitate comparison with the literature, we also establish the link to the construction of multiple pole solutions via the inverse scattering method. The work is rounded off by many examples and MATHEMATICA plots and a detailed discussion of the transition to the next level of degeneracy.

  • 出版日期2017-7