
Line Profile Analysis [LPA] is a useful tool for diffraction pattern analysis to determine the microstructure of polycrystalline materials. LPA is not difficult and therefore it is tempting to think that it is simple, but it is complicated and that requires careful operation. Some microstructural phenomena may influence other branches of diffraction analysis like the determination of crystal structures, of residual stresses and of crystallographic texture. In today's practice simple procedures (e.g. Williamson Hall plots) are used widely, and often without justification to determine crystallite sizes and lattice strains (size-strain analysis) instead of dedicated, rather complicated methods of Line Profile Analysis. It will be pointed out (i) when the use of simple methods is acceptable, (ii) why and when existing rather complicated methods shall be used, and which requirements / conditions hold for their use, and (iii) what is the desirable direction of developments.

  • 出版日期2009