
Recent advances in men's body image research using the Drive for Muscularity Scale (DMS) have generated significant evidence of body dissatisfaction and negative psychological outcomes stemming from media idealization and societal pressure to achieve a muscular mesomorphic body shape (i.e., lean yet highly muscular). Although DMS has been most widely used to study men's body image issues, its structural properties remain largely unexamined with men from various racial/ethnic groups. Thus, in response to calls for measures of body image issues specific to various ethnic groups and further examination of the structural properties of DMS, our study is the first to investigate the factor structure of DMS with a sample of Asian men residing in the United States and Canada (N = 200). Results from confirmatory factor analysis indicated that the initial 2-factor structure (attitudinal and behavioral) reported by the scale developers provided a poor fit to the data. Subsequent reexamination of the original items and exploratory factor analysis suggested removal of 3 behavioral items (4, 5, and 10) after which a 2-factor model, similar to that reported with the scale development sample of predominantly White men, emerged for our sample. The findings of this study offer promising evidence for the use of a modified version of the DMS with Asian American men.