A novel finned micro-groove array structure and forming process

作者:Tang Y*; Chi Y; Wan Z P; Liu X K; Chen J Ch; Deng X X; Liu L
来源:Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2008, 203(1-3): 548-553.


The multidimensional finned surface can greatly improve the capability of separation, extraction, absorption and heat transfer, so it. is wildly applied to modern environmental protection, petrochemical industry, medical industry, and micro-electronics cooling, etc. By ploughing-extrusion process, this paper obtained a novel micro-groove array structure composed of micro-grooves, primary fins and compound fins, which have macro-structure, meta-structure, and micro-structure. The depth of micro groove is about 200 mu m, and the height of the primary fin is about 80 mu m. The height of the compound fins is larger than 100 mu m, and the space of two compound fins is about 400 mu m. In this process, the metal undergoes plastic deformation and turns into primary fins. Owing to the friction stress between the extrusion surfaces and the metal surpass the break limit of the metal, some regions of the primary fin undergo ductile fracture and turn into denticular compound fins. The whole process can be divided into four steps, i.e. splitting, extruding, frictional tearing and fin forming. The four stages are continuous and happen at the same time. The novel finned micro-groove array structure can be manufactured in a single procedure.