Evoluˋˋo hist車rica dos Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia

作者:Costa; Izelda Maria Carvalho; Vallarelli; Andrelou Fralete Ayres; Bonamigo; Renan Rangel; Reis; Vitor Manoel da Silva
来源:Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia, 2012.


in this special edition in celebration of the centennial of the brazilian society of dermatology, the authors take a retrospective look at printed brazilian dermatology from the very beginning onward, showing evidence of descriptive dermatology with rich discussions, illustrations and advertisements of medications much used at the time, such as bismuth for the treatment of syphilis, before the discovery of penicillin. this retrospective covers up to the current days, when publications in the brazilian annals of dermatology have reached the modern era in electronics, science and layout as well.

  • 出版日期2012
