
In this study using non-reduced/reduced 2-dimensional electrophoresis (NR/R-2DE), we clearly demonstrated that E3-independent ubiquitination by Ube2K produced not only unanchored but also Ube2K-linked polyubiquitins through thioester and isopeptide bonds. E3-independent assembly of polyubiquitins on the catalytic cysteine of Ube2K strongly supports the possibility of 'en bloc transfer' for polyubiquitination. From the same analyses of E3-independent ubiquitination products by other E2s, we also found that different lengths of polyubiquitins were linked to different E2s through thioester bond; longer chains by Cdc34 like Ube2K, short chains by Ube2g2, and mono-ubiquitin by UbcH10. Our results suggest that E2s possess the different intrinsic catalytic activities for polyubiquitination.

  • 出版日期2011-12-15