
Bluetooth is a communication technology for personal area networks (PANs). To support communication with more than eight bluetooth-enabled devices, a scatternet Must be formed in the PAN. Bluetree is one commonly used topology for scatternet formation. To reduce traffic load of the Bluetree scatternet, we use the piconet transfer concept to move piconets on a well-formed Bluetree scatternet. The piconet movements are performed based on a distributed manner using two well-known tree traversal procedures: post-order traversal and level-order traversal. These two procedures do not take much Computation time, where time complexities are O(n(p)) and n(p) is the number of piconets on a Bluetree scatternet (not the number of nodes on a Bluetree). Compared with previous approaches, the proposed approach can greatly reduce the traffic load and computational costs. Finally, simulation experiments show the effectiveness of the proposed approach in improving the formation of Bluetree scatternet.

  • 出版日期2010-3