
It has been more than a decade since it was recognized that the nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B cells (NE-kappa B) transcription factor family was activated by two distinct pathways: the canonical pathway involving NE-kappa B1 and the non-canonical pathway involving NF-kappa B2. During this time a great deal of evidence has been amassed on the ligands and receptors that activate these pathways, the cytoplasmic adapter molecules involved in transducing the signals from receptors to nucleus, and the resulting physiological outcomes within body tissues. In contrast to NE-kappa B1 signaling, which can be activated by a wide variety of receptors, the NF-kappa B2 pathway is typically only activated by a subset of receptor and ligand pairs belonging to the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) family. Amongst these is B cell activating factor of the TNF family (BAFF) and its receptor BAFFR. Whilst BAFF is produced by many cell types throughout the body, BAFFR expression appears to be restricted to the hematopoietic lineage and B cells in particular. For this reason, the main physiological outcomes of BAFF mediated NF-kappa B2 activation are confined to B cells. Indeed BAFF mediated NF-kappa B2 signaling contributes to peripheral B cell survival and maturation as well as playing a role in antibody responses and long term maintenance plasma cells. Thus the importance BAFF and NF-kappa B2 permeates the entire B cell lifespan and impacts on this important component of the immune system in a variety of ways.