Algorithm for the prevention of female genital mutilation. Case study from primary care

作者:Alcon Belchi Carolina; Jimenez Ruiz Ismael; Pastor Bravo Maria del Mar; Almansa Martinez Pilar
来源:Atencion Primaria, 2016, 48(3): 200-205.


Objective: Create and implement a protocol for identifying and preventing female genital mutilation in a municipality of the Region of Murcia. Design: A bibliographical review and significant databases were consulted for the creation of the algorithm performance. These include Cuiden, Dialnet, Medes, Medline, and other documentary sources of interest. The instrument for data collection was completed by interviewing parents of girls at risk. Drafting and implementation: The multi-disciplinary team was formed; the female genital mutilation risk cases were collected, and were summoned to the nursing consulting room. Two girls had been mutilated, the rest were at risk of female genital mutilation, and in one case the risk was imminent. Conclusion: The algorithm designed guides practitioners in their performance, achieving an effective detection and prevention of genital mutilation of girls. This is a first approach to the development of a regional protocol.

  • 出版日期2016-3
