
We analysed the space-time structure of two spatially explicit forest data sets considering the associated growth function for each tree obtained from the annual radial growth measured from increment cores bored at breast height. We used a new second order formulation based on the mark correlation function, the functional mark correlation function, to analyse spatial pattern involving functions to each spatial location. A decomposition of individual growth function into spatial and non-spatial components was considered and only the spatial components were analysed. Our results confirm the usefulness of these new approach compared with other well-established spatial statistical tools such as the mark correlation function. In particular, the functional mark correlation function of the spatial and temporal components of tree growth determines the space-time structure of tree development regardless of the non-spatial components contained in this function. Moreover, this explicit temporal analysis detects space-time interaction effects that are not evident when analysing the spatial distribution of cumulative growth measures such as the tree basal area.

  • 出版日期2013-10