An equimorphic diversity case

作者:Demlova M*; Goralcik R; Koubek V
来源:Journal of Algebra, 2011, 338(1): 157-168.


B.M. Schein has proved that in the semigroup variety NIB = Mod(x(2) = x, xuvy = xvuy) of normal bands one can find at most four pairwise non-isomorphic semigroups with isomorphic monoids of endomorphisms. We prove here the same result for the extension semigroup variety (NB) over tilde = Mod(x(2)y = xy,xuvy = xvuy) of NB, properly separated from N only by the variety of inflations of the N-semigroups.

  • 出版日期2011-7-15
