
Compared with maximizing the signal-to-interference-pulse-noise ratio beamforming, minimum mean squared error (MMSE) beamforming could result in better signal estimation;therefore, it is suitable for ultrawideband through-the-wall imaging. Through analyzing the relation between the scalar factor of MMSE beamformer weights and the coherence factor (CF) used for sidelobe suppression, the connection between the minimum variance distortionless response (MVDR) beamforming algorithm combined with CF and MMSE beamfoming algorithm is found, and a scaled MMSE beamforming algorithm is proposed. Considering the effect of the wall medium inhomogeneity, antenna position error and etc, the robust estimation methods of unknown parameters are presented. FDTD numerical simulation data and experimentally measured data are used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed beamformer in though-the-wall imaging. The results show that the larger the scale coefficient, the better the image quality;and this algorithm improves the target-clutter-ratio (TCR) by about 25 dB.
