作者:Stanciu L E; Pascu E I; Ionescu E V*; Circo E; Oprea C; Iliescu M G*
来源:Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, 2017, 18(2): 728-736.


The goal of the paper was to investigate the healthy ageing effects of Techirghiol mud therapy after thermal cure and persistence after 4 months. Since the ageing process is associated with endocrine pituitary-adrenal axis variations, the present study reports the beneficial effects of peloidotherapy with mud from Techirghiol, Romania. It was conducted an observational prospective clinical study with 37 patients in compliance with the criteria of inclusion and exclusion. The subjects were evaluated in Balneal and Rehabilitation Sanatorium Techirghiol from Romania in terms of clinical signs of ageing, hormonal laboratory determinations (cortisol) and biochemical general determinations. Before and after therapeutic intervention, one month and 4 months after thermal cure hormonal laboratory determinations were repeated respecting diurnal variation. Subjects were divided into 4 groups depending on the season: two of such groups (1 and 2) evaluated during the summer and two groups (3 and 4) in the other seasons. By examining Visual analogue scale (VAS) in first three groups on admission, VAS values were higher than at hospital discharge. In Group 4 VAS values of admission were lower compared with VAS values at discharge. When analysed together summer groups, VAS values on admission were higher than VAS values at discharge while concerning other seasons groups, VAS values on admission were lower than VAS values at discharge. Cortisol variation showed at all the moments recorded related to peloido-therapy stands at the end of treatment as in both control groups in the two different times of the year (summer and any other season) values of cortisol were higher compared with the two corresponding study groups, except one month after treatment when the study groups recorded higher values of serum cortisol when compared with control groups. The present study shows that the mud from Techirghiol, Romania carries important benefits, particularly through its anti-ageing properties with important applications in future.

  • 出版日期2017