
We study the effects of intrinsic sequence-dependent curvature for a two-dimensional semiflexible biopolymer with short-range correlation in intrinsic curvatures. We show exactly that when not subjected to any external force, such a system is equivalent to a system with a well-defined intrinsic curvature and a proper renormalized persistence length. We find the exact expression for the distribution function of the equivalent system. However, we show that such an equivalent system does not always exist for the polymer subjected to an external force. We find that under an external force, the effect of sequence disorder depends upon the averaging order, the degree of disorder, and the experimental conditions, such as the boundary conditions. Furthermore, a short to moderate length biopolymer may be much softer or has a smaller apparent persistent length than what would be expected from the "equivalent system." Moreover, under a strong stretching force and for a long biopolymer, the sequence disorder is immaterial for elasticity. Finally, the effect of sequence disorder may depend upon the quantity considered.

  • 出版日期2009-12