Atlas of marine bony fish otoliths (sagittae) of Southeastern-Southern Brazil Part IV: Perciformes (Centropomidae, Acropomatidae, Serranidae, Priacanthidae, Malacanthidae, Pomatomidae, Carangidae, Lutjanidae, Gerreidae and Haemulidae)

作者:Brenha Nunes Marina Rito; Santificetur Cesar; Martins Conversani Valeria Regina; Giaretta Marcella Bockis; Del Bianco Rossi Wongtschowski Carmen Lucia; Siliprandi Carolina Correia
来源:Brazilian Journal of Oceanography, 2016, 64(spe1): 23-75.


This publication is part of a series that will constitute an Atlas of Teleostei Otoliths for the Southeastern-Southern Brazilian area. It presents the results of the morphological and morphometric analyses of 31 Perciformes (two species of Centropomidae; two of Acropomatidae; two of Serranidae; two of Priacanthidae; two of Malacanthidae; one of Pomatomidae; six of Carangidae; three of Lutjanidae; five of Gerreidae and six of Haemulidae). Whenever available in the collection, otoliths from three distinct specimen sizes were illustrated and photographed in order to show their variation during development. For each characteristic the frequency of occurrence was calculated within each length class (TL) and among length classes (during development) and differences were analyzed by a multiple. chi(2) test (significance 0.05).

  • 出版日期2016