An optimal version of an inequality involving the third symmetric means

作者:Wen Jiajin; Yuan Jun; Yuan Shufeng
来源:Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Mathematical Sciences, 2008, 118(4): 505-516.


Let (G A)(n)([k])(a), A(n)(a), G(n)(a) be the third symmetric mean of k degree, the arithmetic and geometric means of a(1), ... , a(n) (a(i) > 0, i = 1, ... , n), respectively. By means of descending dimension method, we prove that the maximum of p is k-1/n-1 and the minimum of q is n/n-1(k-1/k)(k/n) so that the inequalities (G(n)(a))(1-p)(A(n)(a))(p) <= (GA)(n)([k])(a) <= (1 - q)G(n) (a) + qA(n) (a) (2 <= k <= n - 1) hold.