
Background: In this article the development of self-esteem and self-efficacy in adolescents with chronic physical illness with and without psychological symptoms is measured over one year, following a medical inpatient rehabilitation treatment of four to six weeks. Gender- and diagnosis-related differences are analyzed.
Materials and Methods: 243 chronically ill adolescents were interviewed at the beginning of their rehabilitation treatment. After one year data of 99 chronically ill adolescents are available (age: M = 14.6; SD = 1.70), 50 boys. Self-esteem was measured using the revised Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale. The revised Allgemeine Selbstwirksamkeitsskala was chosen for assessing self-efficacy at school and other social contexts. At the beginning of rehabilitation, psychological symptoms were identified using the German version of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire.
Results: Therapy of chronically ill adolescents in medical rehabilitation affects their self-esteem positively, with differences in self-esteem found between adolescents who show clinically relevant psychological symptoms and those who do not. Only minor changes are however noticed in ratings of self-efficacy at school and other social contexts. Gender- and diagnosis-related differences have not been found.

  • 出版日期2010-8