
Plants' sessile nature has led them to develop chemical defenses, secondary metabolites, to directly cope with environmental changes rather than escape to more favorable sites. The diversity and fluctuation in biological stresses faced by a plant have generated extraordinary genetic diversity controlling the synthesis and regulation of secondary metabolites that is only now being explored. The glucosinolate secondary metabolites, amino acid derived thioglucosides specific to the order Capparales, is a model system for understanding the molecular basis of complex quantitative traits and their potential ecological role. This review focuses on the extensive progress being made towards understanding the complete molecular basis underlying the glucosinolate genetic diversity at both biosynthetic and regulatory loci. This has identified a highly interactive genetic network whereby biosynthetic loci have additional functions as regulatory loci and laid the foundation for glucosinolates to be a model system for understanding quantitative traits in a broader context.

  • 出版日期2009-1