
Study Design. A case report is presented. @@@ Objective. To investigate atypical syringomyelia without cavity. @@@ Summary of Background Data. Syringomyelia without frank cavity is rarely reported. The MR imaging appearance of this atypical syringomyelia may help to understand the mechanism leading to the development of syringomyelia. @@@ Methods. Data are given for one patient who underwent MR imaging; she had Chiari malformation and hydrocephalus. @@@ Results. The patient had enlarged spinal cords, and gray matter T2 prolongation without cavitation occurred in association with continued cerebrospinal fluid obstruction in upper spine and improved after surgical intervention 14 days later. @@@ Conclusion. Obstruction of the cerebrospinal fluid pathways in the upper spine may result in spinal cord gray matter T2 prolongation that is reversible after restoration of patency of cerebrospinal fluid pathways and stress the importance of timely intervention to limit progression to syringomyelia.