
Experimental infections of Egyptian Pseudosuccinea columella with one or two miracidia of Fasciola hepatica per snail were carried out to determine the developmental pattern (normal or abnormal) of redial generations and specify the number of free rediae developing in snails according to their generation. Controls were constituted by a French population of Galba truncatula infected according to the same protocol. Most infected P. columella showed a normal development of redial generations (96.2-98.1 vs 75.5-85.7% for G. truncatula). In each redial category, free rediae were more numerous in P. columella than in G. truncatula, and their number were also greater in the two-miracidia groups than in single-miracidium infections for each lymnaeid considered separately. This increase in redial production was mainly due to the number of first mother (R1a) rediae producing daughter rediae only: 2 per P. columella (vs one redia in G. truncatula) in single-miracidium groups and 3.1 (vs 1.9) in the two-miracidia groups. In P. columella, the mean total number of free rediae developing in single-miracidium and bimiracidial infections was 77.2 and 117.6, respectively (instead of 33.5 and 52.1 rediae in G. truncatula). The number of F. hepatica rediae present in P. columella was related to the number of fully grown sporocysts and the quantity of R1a rediae which developed into the snail body.

  • 出版日期2014-7