A novel method of diffraction imaging flow cytometry for sizing microspheres

作者:Yu, Sa*; Zhang, Jun; Moran, Marina S.; Lu, Jun Q.; Feng, Yuanming; Hu, Xin-Hua
来源:Optics Express, 2012, 20(20): 22245-22251.


We report a novel method of diffraction imaging flow cytometry to measure and analyze size distribution of microspheres. An automated and robust image processing software based on the short-time-Fourier-transform algorithm has been developed to analyze the characteristic and spatially varying oscillations of side scatters recorded as a diffraction image. Our results demonstrate that the new method allows accurate and rapid determination of single microspheres' diameters ranging from 1 to 100 mu m. The capacity for analysis of light scattering by two-sphere aggregates has been demonstrated but analytical tools for characterization of aggregates by multiple microspheres remain to be developed.