
The selective precipitation of a-lactalbumin (a-La) is the basis for one of the possible methods in whey protein fractionation. Calcium concentration, type of acid added and pH play important roles in a-La precipitation and on the following resolubilisation. Two washing steps are enough for quantitative removal of beta-lactoglobulin entrapped in the precipitate. a-La losses are minimised during washing steps (5%) when NaCl is used as washing agent. The most important parameter to control during the resolubilisation step is pH, the maximum amount of the initial re-dissolved a-La being 76% when the pH is adjusted to 7.5, CaCl2 concentration is 0.2 m and prior precipitation is carried out adding citric acid. Addition of CaCl2 is not necessary to dissolve a-La because of the fact that there is enough calcium in the precipitate to join all a-La; however, its presence improves the solubilisation yield (66% vs. 75%).

  • 出版日期2012-3