
We present a social-ecological typlogy for the world's rangelands that integrates the much debated non equilibrium concept from ecology with socio-economic characteristics of rangeland systems. We propose that, as a first approximation, the socio-economic properties can be adequately captured and differentiated by the distinction between the two main types of rangeland farming systems worldwide: subsistence and commercial farming. The resulting typology has four categories, which are 'commercial equilibrium', 'commercial non-equilibrium', 'subsistence equilibrium' and 'subsistence non-equilibrium'. We provide and discuss examples for each category. Moreover, we point out how this typology might help to understand and address some of the problems related to unsustainable rangeland management. Finally, we provide and discuss a global map of rangelands that illustrates the geographic distribution of all four rangeland types.

  • 出版日期2018-1