A French crop-exposure matrix for use in epidemiological studies on pesticides: PESTIMAT

作者:Baldi Isabelle*; Carles Camille; Blanc Lapierre Audrey; Fabbro Peray Pascale; Druet Cabanac Michel; Boutet Robinet Elisa; Soulat Jean Marc; Bouvier Ghislaine; Lebailly Pierre
来源:Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology, 2017, 27(1): 56-63.


Pesticide exposure assessment is a key methodological issue for epidemiological studies. The history of pesticide has proven difficult to obtain from individuals' report because of the wide range of active ingredients (Als). We developed a crop-exposure matrix, which intends to reconstitute parameters of pesticide exposure in France since 1950. PESTIMAT is composed of tables crossing crops and Als by year and providing the following metrics: (1) probability (proportion of farmers having used the Als); (2) frequency (number of treatment days); and (3) intensity (application rate of the Als in kg/ha). Metrics were obtained by the combination of six sources: (i) registration information from the Agriculture Ministry; (ii) information from agricultural bodies on products marketed; (iii) agricultural recommendations by the Plant Health Protection body; (iv) treatment calendars provided by farmers; (v) data from associations of farmers; and (vi) data from the industry. To date, 529 Als usable between 1950 and 2010 are included in PESTIMAT: 160 fungicides; 160 herbicides; and 209 insecticides. When combined with duration and determinants of intensity, the metrics in PESTIMAT will make it possible to calculate exposure scores and to search for dose-effect relationships, an important criterion for causality judgment in epidemiology.

  • 出版日期2017-2