
Due to high electron affinity and consequently large work function of CdTe, the CdTe based solar cells are suffering from ohmic contacting problem at the back contact. Among the several numbers of methods still used try to overcome the ohmic contacting problem, the use of back surface field (BSF) material is found to be better, effective and easier one. The conventional CdS/CdTe solar cell was modified by nano-crystalline CdS:O window layer and Sb(2)Te(3), As(2)Te(3) and ZnTe as a BSF layer inserted after the CdTe layer. The cell performances are investigated by detailed described on external quantum efficiency (QE), and dark and light I-V characteristics by recognized simulator 'Analysis of Microelectronics and Photonic Structures' (AMPS-1D). The temperature and light intensity variation effects also described to understand the environmental effect on the cell performance. The results have shown that the BSF layers enhance the cell performances and have no adverse effect on cell stability as the condition of circumstance are changed. However, the results have shown that the structure ZnO/CdS:O/CdTe/Sb(2)Te(3)/Ag gives highest efficiency, exhibits a low series resistance and high shunt resistance also. The cell with ZnTe is shown to produce important series resistance problems because of an unfavorable hetero-junction with CdTe.

  • 出版日期2011-2