
This commentary highlights and discusses the implications of a number of recent studies that re. ne epidemiologic knowledge of CMV infection and assess awareness of congenital CMV among clinicians and the public. These studies highlight that: (1) congenital CMV results in a disease burden that is substantial and severe; (2) a high proportion of United States women of reproductive age are susceptible to CMV infection; (3) the majority of congenital CMV infections in the United States result from recurrent infections among pregnant women; (4) CMV seroprevalence and seroincidence are much higher among racial/ethnic minorities and persons of lower socioeconomic status (SES); (5) household transmission of CMV appears to be an important transmission route in the United States; (6) sexual transmission of CMV appears to be an important transmission route in some population sub-groups in the United States; (7) women have limited awareness and knowledge about congenital CMV; (8) most obstetrician/gynecologists do not counsel women about prevention of congenital CMV; (9) most women view CMV prevention messages positively. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  • 出版日期2009-12