
Preparation of a feedstock with non-dendritic primary solid phase by using cooling slope method is increasingly attraction. This method can satisfy qualitative and quantitative requirements of products providing easy control of the process. In this work, effect of the length and angle of copper made plate on the microstructure of the A356 aluminum alloy were investigated at the different pouring temperatures. The molten alloy with the temperature of 680, 650 and 625 degrees C was poured on the surface of the plate where cooled with water circulation in various tilt angles (30 degrees, 40 degrees, 50 degrees, 60 degrees) an d lengths (300, 400, 500, 600, 700 mm). There was an optimum length in which minimum grain size and maximum sphericity were obtained, at a constant tilt angle and pouring temperature. Aso, it was found that there was a suitable tilt angle in which minimum grain size and maximum sphericity were obtained, at a constant pouringtemperature and length. The results indicate that condition of 60 degrees and 600 mm is suitable cooling plate tilt angle and pouring length presenting the minimum grain size of 81 mu m and maximum shape factor of 0.72 with highest uniformity.

  • 出版日期2012