
Objective: To analyze the TCM symptom manifestations of patients with post-stroke cognitive impairment and explore the combination law of its core symptoms. Method: through the collaboration of multi centers, 1451 patients with mild cognitive impairment and mild dementia are incorporated, of which, 838 cases are with mild cognitive impairment and 613 cases mild dementia. After filtering, the occurrence rate of symptoms which is over 10% are retained and inputted to the traditional Chinese medicine inheritance auxiliary platform through standardized "four diagnostic information". And then there will be an analysis of the rules of symptoms based on complex system entropy clustering method which is software-integrated. Result: after the analysis based on entropy clustering method, it is found that there are 8 symptom collective groups for mild cognitive impairment and 9 symptom collective groups for mild dementia. The syndrome factor combinations that can be extracted are kidney deficiency, qi deficiency and blood stasis, spleen and kidney deficiency, phlegm stasis; kidney deficiency, phlegm stasis, qi deficiency and blood stasis, spleen and kidney deficiency, phlegm stasis and yin deficiency resulting in vigorous fire. Conclusion: syndrome factors of post-stroke cognitive impairment are qi deficiency, blood stasis, phlegm, yang deficiency, yin deficiency and fire. Kidney deficiency, qi deficiency and blood stasis, spleen and kidney deficiency, phlegm stasis and yin deficiency resulting in vigorous fire are typical symptoms of post-stroke cognitive impairment. Number of patients with yin deficiency resulting in vigorous fire, will increase as their disease aggravated.
