
A 2-step solvable pro-p-group G is said to be rigid if it contains a normal series of the form G = G(1) > G(2) > G(3) = 1 such that the factor group A = G/G(2) is torsion-free Abelian, and the subgroup G(2) is also Abelian and is torsion-free as a Z(p)A-module, where Z(p)A is the group algebra of the group A over the ring of p-adic integers. For instance, free metabelian pro-p-groups of rank >= 2 are rigid. We give a description of algebraic sets in an arbitrary finitely generated 2-step solvable rigid pro-p-group G, i.e., sets defined by systems of equations in one variable with coefficients in G.

  • 出版日期2016-1
