
An improved staining method using carbol fuchsin was successfully adopted for chromosomes of marine algae, including Porphyra, Undaria pinnatifida and Saccharina japonica. The haploid numbers of P haitanensis and P yezoensis (observed clearly in vegetative, spermatangial and conchosporangial cells) were five and three, respectively. The diploid numbers of P haitanensis and R yezoensis (in immature conchosporangial cells) were ten and six, respectively. Pit connections between cells of conchosporangia and cell mashes were clearly differentiated. Chromosomes in conchocelis cells in prophase were clearly stained with the improved carbol fuchsin method. The chromosome number of gametophytes of S. japonica was 31, and that of U. pinnatifida was 30. Hydrolysis with 1 m HCl at 60 degrees C for 7-8 min to produce a very transparent cytoplasm was necessary for staining chromosomes in conchosporangial branches of Porphyra. Iron alum acetocarmine, aceto-iron-hematoxylin-chloral hydrate and carbol fuchsin were used to stain the chromosomes of the vegetative cells, spermatangial cells and conchosporangial cells of Porphyra and the gametophytes of U. pinnatifida and S. japonica. Among the three methods, the carbol fuchsin method was simple and rapid, yielding deep staining of chromosomes and good contrast between the nucleus and cytoplasm.
