Near-Field Far-Field Transformation Utilizing 2-D Plane-Wave Expansion for Monostatic RCS Extrapolation

作者:Omi Shuntaro*; Uno Toru; Arima Takuji; Fujii Takao; Kushiyama Yujiro
来源:IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 2016, 15: 1971-1974.


Near-field far-field transformation (NFFFT) is a common solution to the huge costs associated with the radar cross section (RCS) measurements. One such NFFFT technique for the monostatic RCS measurement has been proposed, which utilizes the 3-D plane-wave expansion. While the technique has the higher flexibility, its use of 3-D near-field scans is costly. In this letter, we propose a 2-D version of the NFFFT that utilizes the 2-D plane-wave expansion. Thus the one-cut-plane RCS can be obtained by measuring only on a plane with the higher flexibility.

  • 出版日期2016