
Whilst preparing undergraduate students for a clinical course in paediatric dentistry, four consecutive classes (n = 107) were divided into two groups. Seven behaviour-modifying techniques were introduced: systematic desensitization, operant conditioning, modelling, Tell, Show, Do-principle, substitution, change of roles and the active involvement of the patient. The behaviour-modifying techniques that had been taught to group one (n = 57) through lecturing were taught to group two (n = 50) through video sequences and vice versa in the following semester. Immediately after the presentations, students were asked by means of a questionnaire about their perceptions of ease of using the different techniques and their intention for clinical application of each technique. After completion of the clinical course, they were asked about which behaviour-modifying techniques they had actually used when dealing with patients. Concerning the perception of ease of using the different techniques, there were considerable differences for six of the seven techniques (P < 0.05). Whilst some techniques seemed more difficult to apply clinically after lecturing, others seemed more difficult after video-based teaching. Concerning the intention for clinical application and the actual clinical application, there were higher percentages for all techniques taught after video-based teaching. However, the differences were significant only for two techniques in each case (P < 0.05). It is concluded that the use of video based teaching enhances the intention for application and the actual clinical application only for a limited number of behaviour-modifying techniques.

  • 出版日期2010-11