
An important mechanism of speciation for specialized phytophagous insects is host-associated differentiation, in which natural selection drives the evolution of reproductive isolation. Here we use molecular population genetics data to test the hypothesis that regional and local specialization on three alternate hosts restricts gene flow in the Mitoura gryneus species complex of butterflies. Over half of the variation in mitochondrial DNA sequences is explained by host plant association (I center dot(CT) = 0.57, P = 0.002) consistent with the hypothesis of host-associated divergence on the three hosts. AFLP analyses revealed the number of clusters of individuals was K = 2, with all individuals associated with one host grouping separately from all other host-associated individuals. Combined with previous experimental results, these findings present evidence of varying levels of differentiation among host associations and identify a role for both isolation in allopatry as well as ecological factors in limiting gene exchange. The Mitoura species complex includes multiple, differentiated lineages at varying stages of divergence, providing an opportunity to examine the multifarious mechanisms that generate biodiversity in phytophagous insects.

  • 出版日期2013-5