
Huddling is a behavioural energy conservation mechanism that is widely used by many small endotherms at low ambient temperatures. Huddling has many benefits, including decreasing the metabolic cost of maintaining body temperature (T-b), reducing the amount of heat lost to the environment, and increasing the local temperature of the nest. To test the effects of huddling on T-b, 10 rock hyrax, Procavia capensis, were housed in outside cages in four groups, varying from one to four individuals. iButtons (R) were surgically implanted into each rock hyrax to record their T-b every 15 min from August to November. Despite considerable variations in ambient temperatures, the rock hyrax were found to display some degree of heterothermy by varying their mean T-b from 36.70 to 37.72 degrees C (n = 10) but not allowing it to drop below 33.60 degrees C or rise above 39.67 degrees C. Contrary to what was predicted, rock hyrax did not display any significant effects of huddling on T-b, irrespective of group size.

  • 出版日期2013-4