
The catalytic transalkylation chemistry encountered with mesitylene interacting with benzene has been revealed working with the acid zeolites, H-mordenite and HY. Preferential adsorption on the active site of the alkyl group containing-aromatic molecule was very advantageous for transalkylation reactions since otherwise the smaller benzene would be the dominant adsorbed molecule; it was also noted that when the alkyl acceptor was a small molecule, formation of the transition state was favourable. The study has shown that transalkylation was favoured over disproportionation at higher temperatures and this was in line with the earlier conclusions that disproportionation would only be effective at low temperatures. Reaction temperature influences the selectivity of alkyl-transfer reactions. The feed composition seemed to play a significant role in transalkylation and its manipulation may result in effective removal of alkyl groups from the alkyl-contkining molecule. The window of operation is reduced somewhat by the finding that working at high temperatures is associated with undesirable higher deactivation rates.

  • 出版日期2017-3-15