
A transition matrix growth and an ingrowth model were developed and applied to an uneven-aged mixed-species forest in the Changbai Mountains, northeastern of China. Results indicate that the constant-parameter transition probabilities for all species in the mixed uneven-aged forest could be classified into three groups based on the mean upgrowth probabilities of each species. Constant-parameter transition probabilities of all species in each diameter class fluctuate within a narrow range except for diameter classes below 8 cm and greater than 60 cm. Variable-parameter transition probabilities were found to be a function of residual basal area for small diameter classes. For large trees, transition probabilities are not affected by the residual basal area. Based on this study, variable-parameter transition probabilities for large diameter trees can be replaced with constant-parameter transition probabilities. In addition, a new ingrowth model was developed and the new ingrowth model was shown to perform better than existing ingrowth model used in the region.

  • 出版日期2005
