
The objective of the paper is to inform about the process and some results obtained in Slovak adaptation of Delis-Kaplan Executive Functions System. Basal standardization sample consisted of 250 children attending fourth year of elementary school with mean age 9,7 yrs. To get additional information regarding reliability and validity of D-KEFS selected tests, another two samples were studied (n = 200) with age ranging 10 15 years. For validation study besides D-KEFS Woodcock-Johnson test battery, some subtests selected from WISC-III, Porteus labyrinths and indicators of school achievement were used, too. Results showed that distributions of raw score in almost all D-KEFS indicators were significantly skewed which implies that these indicators discriminate probably better in children with low achievements than those with average and high achievements. Norms obtained for Slovak children are, comparing to American, slightly harder because of generally higher achievements in Slovak children. Reliability and validity of Slovak D-KEFS adaptation suggest usability of these tests in psychological assessment in clinical and consulting praxis.

  • 出版日期2014