
Aim: To compare augmented therapy with argon laser and amniotic membrane graft (AMG) versus AMG and tissue debridement for resistant mycotic corneal ulcers. Methods: This study included 40 cases of resistant fungal corneal ulcers in two groups. In one group, argon laser photocoagulation and AMG were done while AMG with tissue debridement was done as adjunctive therapy for the specific antifungal agents. Results: Complete healing with no adverse effects was achieved in argon laser group in duration ranging from 2-3 weeks in all cases. In the AMG group, duration of healing ranged from 3-5 weeks. Visual acuity was improved with one or more line gain in eight cases (40%) in the laser group, while in six cases (30%) only in the AMG group. Conclusions: Augmented therapy with argon laser and AMG is superior to AMG with tissue debridement for treatment of resistant fungal corneal ulcers.

  • 出版日期2017