A novel nano-palladium catalyst for continuous-flow chemoselective hydrogenation reactions

作者:Goszewska Ilona; Gizinski Damian; Zienkiewicz Machnik Malgorzata; Lisovytskiy Dmytro; Nikiforov Kostyantyn; Masternak Joanna; Srebowata Anna; Sa Jacinto*
来源:Catalysis Communications, 2017, 94: 65-68.


Herein, we report a catalyst composed of palladium nanoparticles immobilized on polymeric resin for chemoselective hydrogenation reactions under flow conditions. The catalyst exhibits high activity and selectivity towards hydrogenation of C=C double bond, as confirmed in the hydrogenation of 2-heptene and 6-methyl-5hepten-2-one.