An OpenNCP-based Solution for Secure eHealth Data Exchange

作者:Staffa Mariacarla*; Sgaglione Luigi; Mazzeo Giovanni; Coppolino Luigi; D'Antonio Salvatore; Romano Luigi; Gelenbe Erol; Stan Oana; Carpov Sergiu; Grivas Evangelos; Campegiani Paolo; Castaldo Luigi; Votis Konstantinos; Koutkias Vassilis; Komnios Ioannis
来源:Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2018, 116: 65-85.


The European Commission is very focused on the development of possible solutions to allow effective cross border healthcare provisioning with the aim of guaranteeing a uniform Quality of Service (QoS) level of healthcare systems across Europe. One of the most relevant efforts in this direction was the epSOS Project, with the release of the OpenNCP platform overcoming interoperability issues in health information exchange between nations while complying with both National and European laws. Despite the OpenNCP platform has been adopted in several Member States, allowing them to securely interconnect their eHealth infrastructures, some security issues are still partially addressed, This work shows how the KONFIDO project will address these issues by building on and extending the results of OpenNCP through a sound holistic approach to security at a systemic level. This paper describes in detail the KONFIDO project approach and how it is being deployed via a combination of complementary security enhancing technologies with the ultimate goal of increasing trust and security of eHealth data exchange.